About Me

I've been working with kids ever since I left Uni. My goal is to become a teacher one day but not quite yet. I feel I have a lot to learn and the outdoors is the environment to learn from. Many people have become detached from nature and the outdoors and I want to immerse myself into nature to learn from it and then pass on what I've learnt to others.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

51 Jars of jam sitting on the wall

This morning I spent 4 hours making blackberry and apple jam and plum jam from the fruits gathered when we went foraging the other day. 51 jars of lovely scrummy jam. 12Kg of sugar though!!!! I didn't think it'd take that much at all. The afternoon was spent talking over projects for the next few weeks, not particularly interesting though so wont go into that.

Had a bit of fun chasing chickens after work. Someone hadn't closed the gate properly so we had chickens all over the camp. Didn't take too long but it was a bit of fun. I even pushed one off a fence. Felt kinda bad as she was clearly happy minding her own business when along came me knocking her off the fence into the enclosure. Chickens have wings for eating and not for flying.

Heading into Totnes this evening to visit a pub. 3 mile walk though next to a river. Should make the walk back entertaining.

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